Cavanaghs Transport has full NHVAS accreditation and has been a leading livestock company within this scheme. The National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) is a national formal process for recognising operators who have robust safety management systems in place. It is also used to show compliance with general duty requirements under road transport law.
TruckSafe, managed by the Australian Trucking Association, is a world-class system that aims to improve safety and professionalism for operators nationwide. Our accreditation is achieved through independent auditing, based on a set of standards a trucking business should meet for it to be deemed a safe and responsible operation.
This accreditation focuses on animal welfare, food safety and traceability. It is fully auditable and is built around the quality assurance principles contained in international standards, while also using hazard analysis of critical control points.
Cavanaghs Transport has full BFM accreditation, allowing us to work with our operators to determine a work/rest schedule that works for the individual.
BFM gives operators a greater say in when they can work and rest, as long as the risks of driver fatigue are properly managed. This accreditation also allows for a range of commercial benefits, such as delivery of stock during critical times.
Cavanaghs Transport is always looking for talented, driven individuals to work with with us in our growing and diverse team.